Unveiling the formula for team effectiveness

Feb 13, 2024

In today's fast-paced business landscape, the ability to lead high-performing teams is more crucial than ever. In a recent episode of The High-Performance Leader Podcast, I had the pleasure of discussing the intricacies of team effectiveness with Faris Aranki - Strategy and Emotional Intelligence, from Shiageto Consulting. Faris has not only got some great insights to share about building effective teams but has also patented a formula, the IQ-EQ-FQ equation, to streamline the process.

Key Takeaways from the Podcast:

1. The IQ-EQ-FQ Equation:

Faris introduced a revolutionary equation, IQ times EQ times FQ, as the cornerstone of strategic success. This formula encapsulates the three vital elements of team effectiveness – Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ), and Focus Quotient (FQ).

2. IQ: Generating Quality Ideas:

IQ emphasizes the importance of generating a multitude of ideas before settling on a strategy. The more diverse and numerous the ideas, the higher the likelihood of developing a robust and innovative approach.

3. EQ: Engaging and Communicating Effectively:

EQ comes into play when engaging with the team. Faris stressed the significance of involving team members in the decision-making process, fostering a collaborative environment that promotes idea dissemination and buy-in.

4. FQ: Strategic Focus:

FQ focuses on maintaining strategic focus by limiting competing priorities. Faris highlighted the need to avoid spreading resources too thin and instead concentrate efforts on a select number of initiatives to ensure successful execution.

It made me wonder how many leaders are putting all of their effort into one or two segments but missing the third? I often encounter leaders who are extremely focussed on being the smartest (highest IQ) person in the room, but are missing out on the opportunities from the parts of the equation. Or the leader who is entirely focussed on looking out for their people - mothering and coddling them, but not delivering results. 

Applying the Insights for High-Performance Leadership:

The overarching theme is the need to involve more people in the decision-making process. Whether it's generating ideas, communicating strategies, or prioritizing initiatives, inclusivity enhances team effectiveness. Leaders should actively seek input from diverse perspectives within their teams.

To boost EQ, leaders must prioritize open communication and active engagement. Regular team meetings, feedback sessions, and inclusive decision-making contribute to a culture where ideas flow freely and everyone feels heard.

FQ underscores the importance of strategic prioritization. Leaders should critically assess competing priorities, streamline initiatives, and allocate resources judiciously. Focusing on a select number of key initiatives allows for more effective execution.

Faris Aranki's IQ-EQ-FQ equation serves as a powerful tool for leaders aiming to enhance team effectiveness. By embracing inclusivity, fostering open communication, and strategically prioritizing initiatives, high-performance leaders can navigate the complexities of today's business landscape and drive success. 

For a deeper dive into Faris's insights and our discussion, tune in to The High-Performance Leader Podcast episode #34 featuring Faris Aranki.


#Leadership #TeamEffectiveness #HighPerformance #StrategicSuccess #TheHighPerformanceLeaderPodcast


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