Successfully Empower Your Team To Take On New Challenges - My top 10 recommendations

Jul 22, 2024

One of the most frequent challenges that leaders face is how to successfully and effectively empower their teams. There is always a tension between handing over skills quickly and the successful building of confidence and capability. Too many times we encounter teams where handovers and delegation hasn't gone well previously. This erodes trust, confidence and engagement in team members to achieve greater things. Imagine it like trying to rush building a house on a shaky foundation. 

Empowering your team to take on new responsibilities and learn new skills is crucial for their growth and the overall success of your organization. Equally, it is essential that you build the ability to let go of tasks so you can focus on more strategic items which are going to enhance your career. 

In a recent session we took nearly 300 Operations Leaders through a 10-step process to empower their teams more effectively. I wanted to share them with you today whilst they are top of mind:

Think Strategically First

Align Skill Development with Organizational Goals: Ensure that the new skills being learned are aligned with the organisation’s broader goals. This not only makes the learning relevant but also helps in demonstrating the impact of your team member's efforts. In essence, empower people to take on things that will make a difference to them, their career, and your team.

Long-Term Vision: Encourage team members to look beyond immediate tasks and understand the long-term benefits and purpose of their new skills. This strategic thinking fosters a sense of purpose and motivation. This of course requires you to think what those benefits are so you can coach them to those same realisations.

Manage the Learning Curve

Start from Their Perspective: Remember that this responsibility might be brand new to them, even though it is be old news to you. Your explanations should be based on their starting point, not your level of experience. This ensures they don't feel overwhelmed and can grasp the basics before moving on to more complex aspects.

Set Realistic Goals: Understand that your team’s pace may slow down as they learn new skills. Adjusting your expectations and planning accordingly can help manage additional workload without causing stress. This means you need to work out what is the most important thing to handover first. 

Acknowledge Anxiety and Stress: Understand that while they are learning, any anxiety or concern about failing can significantly hinder their progress. Creating a safe environment where it's okay to make mistakes is crucial for effective learning. In fact the research consistently shows that learning and making mistakes leads to better long term performance than relying on beginners luck. 

Break Down Tasks

Simplify and Segment: Break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable parts. This makes it easier for team members to grasp new concepts without feeling overwhelmed. Clear, incremental steps help build their confidence and understanding. This can often mean laying out process maps, checklists, and building complexity gradually. Show them the basics and then ramp things up. 

Anticipate Challenges: Be proactive in identifying potential obstacles and have strategies in place to address them. This reduces overall stress and creates a more supportive environment for learning. Don't put yourself or them in a position where you are rushing to hand something over - it rarely ends well. 

Employ Diverse Explanation Methods: Employ different techniques to cater to various learning styles. Combine visual aids, hands-on practice, and verbal instructions to reinforce learning effectively. We recommend our EDIP methodology which is based on military training techniques and has a tremendous success rate. Different approaches can help solidify understanding and retention.

Create a Supportive Environment

Celebrate Small Wins: Recognise and celebrate minor achievements to boost confidence and motivation. Positive reinforcement can significantly enhance morale and encourage ongoing effort. Asking them to identify the parts they are proud of and 

Provide Continuous Feedback: Maintain open lines of communication to discuss progress and challenges. Employ regular feedback to guide your team through the learning process. We recommend the Good, Better, Best structure for feedback after asking them to give themselves feedback first. Constructive criticism, combined with praise for effort and improvement, helps in developing their skills effectively.


Empowering your team members when they are taking on new challenges involves patience, strategic support, and a focus on both short-term tasks and long-term impacts. By recognising the learning curve, fostering a supportive environment, managing expectations, and aligning with organisational goals, you can significantly enhance the chances of your team members succeeding. This approach not only boosts their confidence and skills but also contributes to the overall success and resilience of your organisation.


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