Are you too available for your team?

Aug 14, 2024

Many leaders think that being "always available" is the hallmark of effective leadership. But here’s the reality: being constantly available isn’t just a distraction—it’s a career killer.

To be a high-impact leader, you need to focus on what really matters. Set strong boundaries, protect your energy, and be intentional with your focus. Leadership isn’t about being everyone’s go-to—it’s about driving results and moving the needle in a big way.

It’s not just okay to say no—it’s necessary. When you react to every request:

  • You dilute your focus and creativity with endless interruptions.
  • You get sucked into the day-to-day grind, missing the strategic vision that leaders are supposed to deliver.
  • You work longer hours, yet feel like you’re getting nowhere.
  • You end up stalling your career progression and wondering why you’re not moving up the ladder.

Here’s how to shift gears and lead with authority:

  1. Allocate specific times to address requests and stick to them. You’ll be amazed how many problems resolve themselves without you.
  2. Master the Art of No: Saying no isn’t about shutting people down—it’s about empowering them to find solutions. 
  3. Stay Laser-Focused on Your Role Purpose: Helping others is great, but don’t lose sight of the work that truly drives results. 

If you'd like to dive deeper on this and some of the tactics that the most exceptional leaders use to allow them to sustain a high level of results, without being consumed by their workload, sign up for my upcoming Masterclass here.

Stop letting your workload dictate your day. Discover how top performers stay laser-focused and achieve extraordinary results without burning out. 

Discover how to leverage Military and Formula 1 tactics, regain your clarity, and boost your team’s performance by focusing on what truly makes a difference.

Date: 29 August 2024, 1pm PST. 

In this Masterclass, You Will Learn:

  • The Real Reason Most People Fail to Prioritise Effectively: Uncover the hidden barriers to effective prioritisation and how to overcome them.
  • The Hidden Costs of Poor Prioritisation: Understand the negative impacts on your overall results and mental clarity, and discover a more effective approach.
  • How to Identify What Truly Matters: Learn how to distinguish between critical tasks and trivial ones, so you can focus your efforts on what truly makes a difference.
  • Aligning and Focusing Your Team’s Priorities: Quickly identify, align, and focus your team’s priorities to unlock even greater performance and achieve outstanding results.

This Session Is for You If:

  • You’re a leader who’s frustrated by inefficiencies and outdated processes, feeling like your organisation isn’t reaching its full potential despite your efforts to streamline workflows and drive results.
  • You’re overwhelmed by the constant demands of meetings, tasks, and problems, struggling to keep everything on track, and worried about how to maintain control amidst the chaos.
  • You’re battling low engagement, a stifling, bureaucratic culture, or stagnant performance—and it’s draining your team’s morale.
  • You feel stuck, unable to break through to higher levels of performance, and frustrated by the lack of progress toward achieving your bold, innovative goals.


If you enjoyed this blog, here are a few ways we can connect:

  1. Want personal results in one hour? Book a Breakthrough Strategy Session
  2. Read my latest book - Beat Burnout click here
  3. Listen to the High-Performance Leader Podcast - click here
  4. Read our blogs - click here
  5. Learn more about Ways of Working, click here

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This E-Book supports leaders who want to create a culture of success while supporting the well-being of their team.

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