Are You Still Trying to Force High Performance? Try This Instead...

Sep 18, 2024

It's a common and frustrating experience for leaders – you invest in programs, you try to motivate your team, but that spark of high performance just seems out of reach.

You're left feeling like you're constantly trying to force a square peg into a round hole having spent a lot of money learning content and theory. What's missing?

The key is understanding this: high performance isn't something you force – it's something you cultivate and it has to be in cultivated in your Context. And the foundation for this cultivation is a powerful, yet often overlooked, element: Clarity of Purpose.

I've spent years working with teams around the globe, and time and time again, I see a direct correlation between a team's sense of purpose and their performance. When employees understand the why behind their work – and how it connects to something larger than themselves – their motivation skyrockets.

But here's the catch: simply having a purpose statement tucked away in a strategy document isn't enough. You need to bring it to life, weaving it into the fabric of your team's everyday experience.

Here's how:

1. Ditch the Generic Statements and Craft a Team Purpose That Resonates:

This is where most leaders miss the mark. They fall into the trap of using generic, forgettable language that does little to inspire.

Instead, engage your team in a collaborative process to define their ACE Purpose. This framework helps teams connect their daily Actions to the Contribution they make and the positive Effect they have. It's about making purpose tangible and relevant to their day-to-day reality.

2. Connect the Dots – Consistently:

Employees need to see the connection between their daily tasks and the bigger picture. Don't just assume they'll make the leap – highlight those connections regularly.

When you're providing feedback, frame it in terms of how their actions contribute to the team's purpose. For example, instead of simply saying, "Great job on that report," you might say, "That report played a key role in helping us achieve [X] which is a crucial step toward fulfilling our team's purpose of [Y]."

3. Unleash the Power of Storytelling:

Stories have an incredible ability to engage our emotions and make information memorable. Use this to your advantage by sharing real-world examples of how your team's work has made a tangible difference.

Did a customer express gratitude for their exceptional service? Did a streamlined process save the company time and money? These stories, big or small, breathe life into your team's purpose and reinforce its significance.

4. Embed Purpose into Your Team's Rituals:

Think about the rituals that already exist within your team – team meetings, feedback sessions, even casual coffee breaks. How can you weave purpose into these moments?

For example, start team meetings by acknowledging wins that demonstrate purpose-driven actions. Encourage team members to share stories of how they've witnessed the team's purpose coming to life. These simple but powerful actions keep purpose front-of-mind and transform it from a lofty concept to a lived reality.

Remember, creating a high-performing, purpose-driven team is a journey, not a destination. It requires a conscious and consistent effort to cultivate purpose at every level. But the payoff? A team that's not only more engaged, fulfilled, and resilient in the face of challenges – but also a team that's unstoppable in achieving remarkable results.


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  2. Read my latest book - Beat Burnout click here
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  5. Learn more about Ways of Working, click here

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