Episode 3: SkyCity - Creating a Coaching Culture with Rebecca Grover

Are you struggling to transition from a practitioner to a leader? Do you find it challenging to lead through influence and bring everyone along on the journey? 


In this episode, Rebecca Grover talks about the importance of valuing people in leadership and shares her experience in transitioning from a practitioner to an influencer. She emphasizes the significance of understanding people's needs and using design to create shared understanding. Rebecca also discusses the behavior change journey at SkyCity, including coaching and leadership programs, and shares her vision for developing talent and promoting growth at SkyCity.


Rebecca is leading a big transformation at SkyCity, with a vision for a total talent strategy that will make a real impact and change. She is passionate about creating meaningful and exciting programs that will result in individuals developing down a pathway of growth, expanding their roles, and being well-prepared for senior-level positions.


Episode Highlights

  • What is Rebecca Grover's leadership style and how does she approach leading her team.
  • What are the main challenges in transitioning from a practitioner or expert to a leader or influencer
  • How can leaders effectively influence and lead change in a multicultural organization.
  • Why is it important for leaders to focus on putting the person first in human-centered design
  • What are some of the initiatives that SkyCity is undertaking to promote individual and team development.


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Links Mentioned

You may reach out to Rebecca on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccagrover1/


Podcast: https://jimmy-burroughes.mykajabi.com/podcasts/the-ways-of-working-podcasthttps://jimmy-burroughes.mykajabi.com/podcasts/the-ways-of-working-podcast

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-ways-of-working-podcast/id1666704682

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1O18k6Q7Zg6WcR9DCaUBKN


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