Create a hybrid work plan which engages your employees
May 30, 2023
During a recent Hybrid Ways of Working session, someone mentioned a colleague in the leadership team of another business, had decided that everyone would return to the office two days a week, except the leadership team, who would be in three days a week. Blanket rule.
Immediately, there were lots of nodding heads in the Board Room. Talk of “getting this implemented quickly”, and that people would “have to make it work”.
This team was making decisions that significantly impacted their workforce and were under the impression that because another company had done it, and probably many more, that this was the right course of action.
I get it. Bringing everyone back to the office has some benefits. But there are also some costs.
As the facilitator in the room, the goal of the session was to help the team reach the best solution for their hybrid work plan. Sometimes, you have to assist a team by sharing ideas from outside the group to help their thinking; so we took the session in a new direction to help them disprove or validate the initial idea that blanket rules for hybrid work are best (or not).
We focussed on answering the following questions:
- What is (actually) driving the need to bring people back to the office?
- Why does there need to be a blanket rule for everyone - is it not possible to personalise arrangements?
- What might get in the way of making any hybrid plan work?
- What would be another option based on this thinking?
This team did a full 180 - filled with insights that they were putting themselves, not their employees first, they decided to create an Employee Hybrid Work Planning Group and come up with a new way of working, together. When I caught up with the CHRO last week, they were well on the way to implementing a plan which differed significantly from the initial conversation in that Board Room.
It made me think - is your company coming up with a blanket solution because they want to allow their people to connect better? Or that they are under the impression that the only way to achieve this is by having them back in the office? This was where our team started.
For me, the underlying cause of this whole line of thinking boils down to the need for trust and a few different perspectives that need addressing:
- Managers need to trust their employees working from home
- Managers need to trust their own leadership skills in the new context
- Employees need to trust each other and aren't clear on who is doing what and when
- New employees need to develop trust with their organisations, managers and peers.
- Employees need trust their managers to have their best interests front of mind
The solution to all of these trust requirements doesn't necessarily have to (and shouldn't) be a blanket policy for everyone being in the office. In fact, I’d argue that is the least effective course of action to take. What is required, are conversations at a 1:1 level and decisions made with employees at the heart of them.
Discuss options and make a plan with your teams and uncover what works best for them and the business; and which enables even greater performance. This might be an investment in technology, enhanced communications training, specific locations or times the team come together for certain tasks, or a raft of other ideas. Every business differs.
Never has the challenge for leaders been greater but that doesn't mean we should resort to old-fashioned authoritarian strategies. Instead, leaders can level up and find new ways to lead which inspire their teams.
The Hybrid Ways of Working session is one of the additional sessions we add to our core 3 module program and if you want this session for your team, let me know and I’ll reach out and we can see how our team can help you.
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